Workwise Application

To qualify for support, you need to;

  • be aged 16 or over Help

    if you are 16 to 18 and living in Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall or Wolverhampton, you can get a photocard to pay child prices. Please visit 16-18 photocard to find out more and apply

  • be paying adult fare on public transport
  • live in or have a new job in Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall or Wolverhampton
  • be starting a new job or apprenticeship or increasing your working hours to a total of 16 hours or more per week
  • not be supported with travel costs through another programme or travel scheme
  • answer the questions in this application to the best of your knowledge

You must either:

  • be earning £30,000 a year or less
  • have been getting unemployment benefit

Before you start your application, make sure you have:

1. A passport style photo [digital version] - a photo taken using a camera phone is acceptable

Your photo must;

  • show your head and shoulders
  • be against a plain background
  • be of you facing towards the camera
  • show your full uncovered face - no hats, sunglasses or scarves (unless worn for religious reasons)
  • be in full colour – no filters like Snapchat
  • not be blurred
  • be saved as a jpeg

2. Proof of your job offer or increase in hours worked - your proof can be a screenshot of an official email from your employer or your work coach. It can also be a photo of a letter from your employer or work coach taken using a camera phone.

Your proof must include;

  • your name
  • your job title
  • your start date
  • how many hours you will be working
  • your annual wage
  • an official company letter or e-signature logo

Make sure your proof is saved as a jpeg image

3. Proof of unemployment benefit (only if you received benefits before getting your new job)

Your proof must include;

  • your name
  • the name of your benefit
  • an official organisation letter or e-signature logo

(* means you must fill this in or answer the question)

Invalid Postcode. Please try re-entering a valid postcode.

Referral code (Optional - if you don't have a referral code, leave blank and continue)


A valid referral code has been entered.
Please can you ensure that the customer has read and agreed the terms and conditions, along with the Data Protection statement before continuing to the next stage.

Invalid Referral code. Please try re-entering a valid code.

Terms and Conditions

A variety of terms and conditions apply to Workwise travel support, you must read and agree these before you submit your application.

Workwise Terms and Conditions
Swift Terms and Conditions

Using your Personal Information

The information that you provide on this form will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Information will be obtained from all customers who utilise the Workwise Scheme. By participating in this Scheme you are agreeing that JobCentre Plus, JobCentre Work Coaches and West Midlands Combined Authority can share your personal data with partners, funders, delivery agents and potential employers. Your details will be shared for the purpose of confirming your eligibility for Workwise and to co-ordinate support to all customers, as well as for our monitoring and evaluation purposes. We will also contact you at a later date to ask some brief questions about how useful Workwise has been to you.

Information and Offers

Need to contact us?

Tel: 0345 303 6760
Write to us: workwise, 16 Summer Lane, Birmingham, B19 3SD

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